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UEFA Euro Data Analysis

The UEFA Euro Championship is in full swing, and Germany is hosting it this year!
As a passionate fan of the German football team and a data enthusiast, I couldn't resist the opportunity to create an interactive data visualization app dedicated to this event.

Emotion Detection App

Welcome to my latest project where I delve into the realm of emotion detection using AI/ML.

This project aims to develop an application that detects and classifies emotions in text inputs with the help of advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) models (1) .


In this blog post, I introduce PyGitGraph, an open-source tool I developed to work with GitHub Issues.
This automated tool allows you to extract full details of 1000s of Github Issues using Python & GraphQL.

Understand SQL Injection through a hands-on approach

Ever ordered pizza online? Imagine someone using the address form to secretly tell the website's database to reveal everyone's credit card details. That's SQL Injection - a way attackers can use sneaky code to break into websites and databases. See inside to more details.