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Habit Tracker

In this post, I show how to use PyGitGraph as a Habit Tracker.
PyGitGraph is an open-source tool I developed, to work with GitHub Issues, Python & GraphQL.

Habit tracking use case

One of the use cases for PyGitGraph involves using GitHub Issues to track your habits.

There are numerous habit trackers available, but most are either paid or limited to mobile apps without cross-platform support.

A significant drawback of traditional habit tracking apps is the difficulty in extracting data for personal analysis. Questions like "How long did I fast on average this month?" or "What are my weight trends during the holidays?" are hard to answer due to the difficulty in exporting data.

PyGitGraph can help with this.
Simply open an issue when you start fasting and close it when you finish.
Every few days, extract this information using PyGitGraph with just a click, and then create the graphs you like.

Habit Tracker Graphs

What was my streak for a particular habit?

Out of the total habits that I tracked, what is the proportion of each habit type?

How long and how often do I read?

How many liters of water do I drink each day?

Many more use cases

Github Issues in general, and PyGitGraph in particular is very helpful for many use cases like I have mentioned here.

Do you have any such use case that comes to your mind? Then shoot me an email.

If you would like to improve this code, then fork it here.

Till then, Happy PyGitGraphing