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Hey there!

I'm Kunal Pathak, a tech enthusiast who codes, designs, and occasionally breaks things to figure out how they work (and then fixes them).
If there's a new tech trend, I'm probably trying it out - or it's on my list!

Who I am

I've been navigating the tech world for more than 15 years, mastering the art of turning coffee into code and ideas into reality.
My specialty lies in software engineering, architecting cloud solutions, and AI/ML, where precision meets creativity.

See here a short summary of my professional experience.
Also checkout my blog, where I will be posting some of the technical topics that I am working on.

Hit Me Up

Got a question or thinking about a tech collaboration? Reach out to me on LinkedIn or drop me an email at [email protected].
I love connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts and exploring new ideas. Let's make something exciting happen!